Kinship Conversations: Building Resilience During the Pandemic and Beyond
Please join the GrandFamilies Outcome Work Group (GrOW) to our upcoming webinar on Wed, March 8th from 1:00-2:30 PM EST. The interactive session designed for providers and kin caregivers as a "Kinship Conversation" and it will address building resilience during the pandemic and beyond. The webinar is based on lessons learned from 825 kin caregivers in 2 waves of a national study and focus on how research can inform practice. We will share tip sheets on relevant topics and recommendations to support and respond to kincare family's needs. We hope you'll join us. This webinar is made possible by a grant from the Brookdale Foundation Group.
You can register here for the webinar.
Wave 2: Grandfamilies in COVID-19 Study
We launched Wave 2 of our survey. We are focused on learning about kinship families’ experiences at this point in the pandemic, recognizing that new issues have emerged since Wave 1 in 2020. This survey was available in English and Spanish. The survey closed on July 12, 2021.
Grandfamiles in COVID-19 National Study: Webinar
Thank you to everyone who joined our webinar on January 21.
Click here for our resource slides
Stay tuned for more information.
National Grandfamilies & COVID-19: From Research to Practice
Members of GrOW shared results and practice recommendations from the 2020 Grandfamilies & COVID-19 Survey. The National Grandfamilies & COVID-19 Survey lifts up the voices of over 600 kinship caregivers raising 1,220 children in all 50 states. The survey, developed by GrOW along with national and grassroots partners, and offered in English and Spanish, highlights both the needs and resilience of kinship families during the pandemic.
The webinar was held on January 21, 2021 from 1 - 2:30 p.m., Eastern Standard Time. A recording of the webinar will be posted to this website.